St. Patrick’s Day Activities

13 Mar


As you all know, this Sunday is St. Patrick’s Day! You don’t have to be irish to celebrate either, so have fun with it! We all know it’s known for a fun night out, but it also can be really fun for kids.  As my brother and I grew up, my mom always made St. Patrick’s Day so much fun. She would dye our milk green, make green scrambled eggs,dye our hair green, knock things over in our house to make it look like a little Leprechaun came in our house to do some mischief, make us a delicious dinner of corn beef and cabbage, (which we will be having Sunday 😉 ) and bring us to the St. Patty’s Day parades. It was a blast and I will definitely be doing the same things for my kids. Since today is my “Friday”, the little boy I nanny for and I made Fun cards and hung them on the front door of his house and I also got him a yummy Shamrock cookie, which he loved. Any simple holiday can be a lot of fun for little ones so, in honor of St. Patty’s Day, I found some fun little activities for you to do with the kids!

St. Patrick’s Day Activities

Fun Hand Leprechaun

Hope you all have a fun St. Patrick’s Day and “May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow and may trouble avoid you wherever you go.”

❤ Erica

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